Thursday, December 31, 2015


Coconut water has the advantage for health?

Foreign: coconut water is regarded as a liquid nutrient in the palm fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals. Studies have shown that the antiviral substance bacteria-inflammatory and antioxidant activity in coconut water can help restore a number of serious health conditions.

To know that coconut water benefits all, please read the following article:

1. Increasing energy: coconut best tonic for a healthy body. Compared to sports drinks. Coconut water contains calcium, potassium chloride, sodium and less sugar, which can help increase energy and productivity at work.

2. Cardiovascular health: a study has revealed that a problem with high blood pressure highest level is occurred due to their levels of potassium in the body decreases and hence drinking coconut can help increase potassium and Lauric acid in blood pressure, which helps you avoid high blood pressure jumps high and cause coronary heart healthy.

3. More fluid: If your body lose fluid, which occurred because of problems such as diarrhea, dysentery, cholera or bloating, drink coconut can help rehydration lost in the war quickly.

4. Correction stomach problems: coconut water contains Lauric acid, which can help against virus, bacteria, parasite infection and inflammation in the stomach and intestines and digestive aid to particular.

5. Weight: coconut water and electrolyte-rich natural Isotonic, which helps increase metabolism and weight loss.



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