Health: Watermelon is rich in fruits in the summer that could be used for food and medicine, almost all sections. Tires watermelon juice can be taken as pills. The meat can be watermelon sweet foods taste delicious cold. It can be roasted as chewing food or even the tires, it can also be pickled or eaten.
In ancient medical watermelon has many advantages such as doping policy has been used as a digestive help and urine as a purgative. Watermelon is not just a thnatrachak cooling but also as a healer as well as other treatment.
Watermelon contains up to 94 percent of the water that can be considered as the fruit drinks category. In addition, it stickier NATO fluoride vitamin B, B2, vitamin C and many kinds of mineral salts.
. Drug formula
1. Recent kidney disease or chronic Utah tire materials watermelon, cut into small pieces boiled water decoction in water until thickened and drink 1 to 2 tablespoons twice a day by drinking melted with boiled water.
2. High blood pressure - fresh watermelon shell 6 to 12 grams boiled mixed with Chinese Ming Cao ear 9 grams drinking Roulette.
3. Vomiting blood crust mixture of watermelon, 30 grams sugar, enough to boil water intake. Cross Do not take drugs, drink 2 times a day.
4. Diabetes Diabetes thirst condense or freeze fresh watermelon shell materials and melon mixed with 15 grams of boiled Chinese medicine resources Hour buffet 9 grams drinking water on a regular basis.
5. Cracked lips, sore statute dried watermelon shell Mix 30 grams boil drinking water for several days.
6. Swelling or obstruction, a watermelon feed at Routes 8 tubers stuff garlic watermelon and steamed and eating watermelon.
7. Thme pain Post watermelon shell hit some sunbathing dry enough mixed with myrrh, and take off on campus dental pain.
8. Cold sweat thirsty water statute frozen watermelon drink cold enough.
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