Sunday, December 20, 2015

Life form living

Life form living in vacant lots, miniskirts

Free lifestyle are known to create health risks in that it not only makes obesity and fat clots in the blood vessels, but also increases the risk of some cancers, as well, according to the a study of German scientists.

The researchers from the University of Regensburg, said the people who spend their time almost all day sitting or long computer soon could be any type of cancer compared to people who's lives were filled with activity and exercise on a regular basis every day. 3 at high-risk cancer, colon, lung and cervical cancer. For lung and colon cancer, which can occur in both men and women is the risk increased from 6-8 percent every additional sitting 2 h. Often a long time sitting, especially sitting watching TV all individuals almost always eat snack without health benefits or a sweet drink Sugar, known as agents increase the risk of diabetes, cancer and obesity.

However, the correlation between sitting and cancer is not dependent on the amount of physical activity, more or less, but It depends on the amount of time they sit back.

The study, which is based on the basis of the previous 43 cases associated with nearly 4 million participants, showed that besides increasing free form of cancer risk also causes heart disease and diabetes.


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